Routine dental checkup and cleanings.
Okay guys, if you think that routine dental checkup and cleaning is not important for the overall health of your body, think twice.
Every area of the body has its own bacterial flora and mouth is not an exception, in fact mouth has a complex symbiotic germs environment forming plaque on the teeth that will make gum inflammation (gingivitis) by sending toxins though the gums. Dental plaque also creates dental cavities by producing acids that dissolve enamel and dentin of the teeth as well as a base for the depositing tartar on the surfaces of the teeth. Tartar is a major gum irritant due to physical and bacterial characteristics. So these deposits and tartars are main contributors to chronic inflammation of the gums and creation of periodontal pockets and bone loss that in turn will increase the total inflammation burden on the body.
Undetected dental cavities that are often asymptomatic will usually end up in major destruction of the teeth with inflammation of the nerve that cause dental pain that requires extraction of the teeth or expensive and extensive restorations like root canal and crowns. Early detection of dental diseases through routine, twice a year check up and cleaning, will save the teeth and a few extra bucks in your pocket. Please re-schedule that canceled cleaning appointment that you had with your dentist.
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